Friday, October 1, 2010

October Already?

Hey again everyone
Yes i know i am horrible at updating this blog, i guess im not much for writing especially writing what i do during the day. I dont remeber really what was happening the last time i has been for ever but i think it was just before the ngobeni (boys house) and training center opened. Well we had the opening and it was a great party. Lots of dancing and singing and then after the official opening (i.e. after the guest of honor and invitees left and it was just staff) we had a big bbq and just hung out as staff so it was pretty cool. The kids all looked wonderful as they all got new outfits for the opening. The next couple weeks we stayed busy as there were visitors from the US here so i would go around with them and general hospitality while they were here.
It has begun to get warmer as Oct is the hot season so even during sept there were some pretty warm days. Some nights would have 2 fans going and just sleep with the mosquito net and still be sweating. But i can tell you it is a LOT better then winter time back home. It might just be me but i Hate the cold so Africa suits me well.
At all three of our homes, but especially at the House of Moses the amount of children admitted is declining. We dont know what it is but we have gone below 20 babies here for the first time in i think over 3 years. You walk into the nursery and wonder where all the kids are as there are only 10 in each nursery. (there is one nursery upstairs for those that dont sit/crawl and one downstairs for those that can) Each caregiver usually has one baby that they call "their" child. This is a very special aspect to the house as it gives that child a close bond with someone. Of course i also have a baby i call my own (i had two but one went to the bill and bette bryant home which is our other home for toddlers). Every time my baby has been crying a lot during the day the caregivers make sure that they let me know. And i make sure that the bed that they put my daughter in is the one directly opposite teh door so that everytime i walk past the nursery i can see my daughter. She is just learning to walk which is quite an amazing experience. One day out of the blue she just got up and took 5 steps. No one had ever seen her walk before and it was like she had been walking for a long time already. My nickname here for the past two years has been Banda, has no meaning just a very common zambian name and so now they name my daughter Mwana Banda which basically means Banda's child.
I think tomorrow night i will be bringing over the projector and my laptop and showing the kids at the house of martha (aged 4-14) shrek..the first one.. am so excited..i think ive watched that movie 4 times this past month and i love it..
Last week thursday and friday we went out into 4 different compounds to do food distribution. Every month we go out for two days and we have a list of about 150 kids under the age of 5 that we provide support in the way of milk and medicine. These children are put on the program either from visiting a clinic and they request or they come to the House of Moses and after assessment they are assigned onto the program. Some of the reasons these children are put on the program is if their mother has died and so an aunt or grandma is taking care of the baby. Or if the family is very vulnerable or there are some cases where the mother has HIV and so she cannot breast feed so the baby needs infant formula and she has no means of providing the needed formula. I have been going for the past 4 months now so am starting to get to know some of the families as it is the same children every month. There is this one set of triplets that last month were all dressed in the same outfit and it was just adorable.
Well I think that is it for now, thank you to everyone for your prayers and support. Please pray especially for this time as it seems we are having a bit of a challenge finding the needed funding for the next couple of months. The staff and children all send their greetings and voice their appreciation.
Thanks again and God Bless