Friday, June 4, 2010

My Birthday

hey so what an amazing day since i have arrived i have been keeping my birthday date kept quiet..but there were also a couple of the staff who knew and also sandra...who ended up not keeping it quiet at the day began and i took my phone, my wallet and my camera out of my pockets in anticipation of getting soaked today...the morning started out okay...but i made sure that no one could come out from behind me and so i had to keep looking behind me...during devotions i started to get very worried as some of the staff started talking bout hose pipes and where the largest buckets were...Alice the PR rep for here ended up chasing me out of the lounge immediately after devotions ended...i ended up getting soaked...and so that was the end of my first t-shirt...i had left 4 t-shirts out on my bed so i could change easy...we then went to bill and bette...i dont know why i kept going to different homes but their is a new team here so i was showing them around to all the homes..and chilala was at bill and bette..i was talking with her in the kitchen and then turned away for 2 seconds and she pulled a water jug out and soaked that was number 2...number 3 i was walking through the kitchen and christine one of the cooks was washing dishes so she cupped a bunch of water in her hands and got me as i was walking past...number 4 i went to house of martha...and then matildah told one of the teachers to tell all the kids it was my birthday...i could see this wasnt going to end well...all of a sudden ten of the kids went into the house and came out with large buckets...they ended up sneaking round the other buildings on the property trying to get behind i know what it must feel for an impala being surrounded by lions they started coming at me and so i ran...ended up having every single one of the 39 house of martha kids chasing me with buckets and cups of all sizes...well i was SOAKED...head to toe...socks and was a nice shower haha...they then all surrounded me and sang happy birthday...they have amazing voices...number 5 was when i was getting out of the vehicle sandra came out around and poured the remainder of her water bottle on me...number 6 was clement the guard..he started asking me all these do i get frustrated when people pour water on me.. and do i mind being wet...lets just say i knew what was coming...he had a bucket waiting around the corner...

but after that we had a wonderful party with cake and ice cream and scones...i got a couple presents including a wonderful quilt for my bed...which is very usefull because it is getting colder and colder at night...and then i got some maheu..its a zamiban drink that i love...some chocolate bars and some talktime for my phone...after the party i figured it was safe to change again...since the first time i hadnt changed and had just been wet all day...but it was a great dya...thank you to everyone for all your birthday wishes...

1 comment:

  1. Wow Kevin, what a birthday, compared to here. You sure got spoiled and soaked. Hope you don't get a cold though, it must be colder now, but they look after you with the new quilt. We had the garage sale here in Oasis. Unbelievable how much stuff was there again. We went to Thursday night presale for residents only and this morning again. Opa was asked to play on an organ they had for sale. I bought the cutest woodcarving of African guys sitting in a circle. Mrs Bishop had given it and said it was a school. Will give it to Janine. Well, weather getting a bit warmer here. Better stop, too long for comment. Sorry. Love and have a good week, God bless, O&O
