Thursday, May 27, 2010


So the toddlers from Bill and Bette Bryant home have finally been able to move to their new property. They have been looking forward to this for months. The kids are always asking their mothers "When are we going to the new home?" Well the day has arrived! At 6am the kids were all dressed, packed, and had breakfast cooking and lunch already packed in travel containers. Fackson came with the truck and first loaded up all the appliances and some of the mattresses and moved them to the new house while the bus came and brought all the children and caregivers. Waiting for them already at the new house were new play toys, including a large swing and slide set and a teeter totter. What a huge property compared to their last one. The old home was basically just the house and then a cement path all the way around the house, with no grass to play on and no space for any play equipment. This new property has so much room to run and explore with many different types of fruit trees as well. The new home has 4 bedrooms and an office compared to their two bedroom and office in their last home. With a big dining room and big kitchen and multiple bathrooms it will be a major upgrade from their previous home.

We went over in the afternoon to take photos and to see how the children where enjoying the new place. They were moving the beds in but none were set up so the kids would be sleeping just on their mattresses on the floor tonight.

Don and I have finished the bathroom and the staff here at House of Moses are excited to use the new shower and to be able to have access to their bathroom again especially when they are bathing the babies as they have had to do it from the floor for the past week. Tomorrow am going to immigration to deliver a request to stay a year so if you could pray that it all goes smoothly that would be greatly appreciated. Then after i return from that we will be repainting the front of the House of Moses. The paint has started to peel this past year and so i decided to redo it.

Other then that most things are the same here. Although today a group of mzungus(white faces) arrived today. I introduced myself and then i saw their truck and that they were from the CRWRC in Zambia. I was quite surprised and quickly told them that i went to Fleetwood CRC in Surrey Canada. Ended up that one of the youth that was along with them was actually from Abbotsford CRC!! I thought that was pretty neat. He even knew a couple of people from Fraser Valley!..They were just here for a half day and i was out most of the morning picking up supplies to finish the bathroom so didnt spend to much time talking with them. And they were departing Lusaka this evening so that is to bad that we did not meet each other earlier.

Well thats all for now...its getting late and i am tired...

Nalema maningi..nayenda kugone.(i am very tired and am going to sleep)

I have been taking Nyanja language lessons with the guard here every night...its going well..and am becoming more and more fleunt...the staff are starting to use very little english for me..sometimes it gets difficult ..but it also helps cause i am able to pick out a couple words here and there.

well talk to u later goodnight


  1. Congrats on the move to the new building, great, PTL. We are also praying your permit will come through. Keep us posted, thanks, love O&O

  2. dont know what PTL stands for but thank you

  3. Hello Kevin, Almost your birthday, June 4. Hope you still have your card and contents. Wish you God's blessings and a terrific day and year ahead. Are they going to dunk you in the pool again. Second birthday in Zambia. We miss you, love you very much, but you do good work there. BTW (By the way), PTL stands for Praise the Lord, thought you knew that. Love and hope to hear from you soon again, Opa and Oma
