Thursday, April 29, 2010

Update April 29-2010

So i arrived inZambia this morning at 6am after two flights of about 8-9 each. The flights were okay, got some sleep on my flight from London to Lusaka so that was nice. Iarrived with another girl from Tennessee who i met up with in London. We were greeted by four of the staff of Christian Alliance for Children in Zambia (CACZ) which is the organization i am volunteering with. It is a sister organization with Alliance for Children Everywhere (ACE) which you may be more familiar with. So we went to the House of Moses and i said hi to all the staff there. There have been a lot of changes in staff since i was last year in July as some have switched homes and some new people have been hired. So i spent most of the morning at House of Moses (babies aged 0-18mths) and just found out how things were going on around here and spending time with the kids and staff. Then after lunch (nshima!!!--its the staple food here) we went to the Bill and Bette Bryant House (BBB babies aged 18mths-4yrs). After spending about an hour or so playing with the kids we went to the site where the new BBB house is going and saw how construction is going. I took a couple photos of before shots of the water tower and new 10,000 liter container (my church raised money to redo all the water equipment for the house) and just enjoyed talking with the construction workers. After that we came back to the House of Moses and have just spent the last couple hours around here. It has been a great first day and although i am super tired was able to stay awake all day. Looking forward to tomorrow and i will talk to you all soon



  1. Am so glad you arrived safely and look forward to sharing your experiences in your blog. We will pray for you every day. We are both very proud of you and what you are doing.

  2. Awesome, hope the jet lag goes away quickly. Where are you going to post pictures?

  3. Hey Kevin!
    Great to hear you made it safely and that you had a good day 1! Ditto on Anton's comment~

  4. Hi Kev. Good to hear you made it without "ash" trouble. May God cotinue to bless you and cause you to be a blessing there.
    O and O Nyland

  5. Hey Kev, Im really proud that there are people out there like you doing this! Best wishes on your journey.
