Monday, May 3, 2010

May 4 2010

Hey so it has been awhile since i last updated but it has been pretty busy around here.
So i think i lasted blogged about thursday..i will try to remeber what has happened since then.. we had a meeting in the morning with the social welfare and nursing dept..and then after that i cant really remeber what i did haha...i think i just was around the House of Moses..i was working with a carpenter on sealing some cracks around windows in the office and i fed my baby madaliso breakfast...saturday morning we headed to a craft fair that is held once a month...we were there for a couple hours and i bought this cool stone feature in the shape of africa...we were there till bout noon and then went back to HOM for lunch...then in the afternoon we had a birthday party for Sandra's godson (sandra is the vice president of ACE) we had about 40 kids here and then an orphange from down the street came for a visit so in total we had about 50ppl it was pretty crazy but it was fun...sunday we went to church in the morning...i love church in zambia..the singing is soo amazing..and the pastor spoke about praise and was a very encouraging was based on psalm 103:1-5...very nice verse...then after church we went to the local shopping center and to another craft fair...i didnt buy anything there but was able to see some of my friends who are vendors there again...they still remeber me from when i was there in 2008!!...monday we had devotions with all the staff at 8 and i love the devotions here...then after we had a meeting with all the managers..and then part of the group that is here along with sandra and i went to the shopping center where they went shopping while i went to get my phone to work...and it is now working which is nice..also on monday one baby..pascal(yes sindy the big eyed pascal) went home to his mom or aunt today...i wasnt here so i didnt get to say goodbye...sooo sad...but it is better he is home...and then that afternoon we recieved 3 more tiny babies...they are sooo cute..that evening we were just around house of moses and clement (the guard at HOM) and matildah (one of the workers) and i were doing soduko till pretty late...then all of a sudden alarms started to go off and next door at a hospital some former worker had apparently returned and was demanding money or something and started smashing all the clement and i ran out to see what was going on but by the time we got there a security company had already come and had found the man and beat him...(thats how its done here...the cops usually dont show up so if someone is caught stealing or breaking someones property the neighbours will just surround him and beat him..ive seen it a couple times now but still pretty hard to watch) that was my evening and then i woke up at 430 this morning to listen to the last part of the canucks game and unfourtunately we lost...but there is always next you all may be wondering where i will be uploading photos...right now i dont know as i think i have only taken like 4 photos..if you have any questions u can email me or post a comment...thanks for all ur support and prayers..


  1. WHAT????? SO COOL???? That is awesome that Pascal aka Surprise went home. I am so excited. It is a little sad that you didn't get to say goodbye or that I will probably never see him again now. But what an answer to prayer. Praying that he settles at home and attaches quickly to his family. Also that they have the finances to keep him and raise him in a healthy way. Now if Carol would be able to do the same!!!

  2. Hi Kevin, Pretty excited life you've had there so far. Yes people (and babies) come and go, but the Lord is always there, wherever we are. We just lost our next door neighbour quite suddenly, so we will have another funeral. Had a birthday party for Minke Jonkman in the upstairs Oasis room this morning. We pray for you and the people and babies there. Pls. pray for us, esp. for Bert, it's needed. God bless, till next blog, love O&O

  3. Loving reading about your trip Kevin! Take care!

  4. So glad you finally made it to Zambia. It was nice to see you before you left to catch up. Looking forward to reading all about your life there on this blog. Enjoy!

  5. Keep up the Baby loving, you're good at it :)


  6. Hey buddy guy, good to see things are going well for you there, other then the guy braking windows. God Bless.
