Sunday, May 23, 2010

Another Week in Zambia

So it seems like it takes me a week to write a has been super busy around here and so it is hard to find time to write these usually takes an email from my grandparents saying "where is your new blog update...its been a week" for me to write a new one haha...but its good to know they miss this is the first time in a week and a half that i am up for the sunrise...ive been waking up late the past little while...and it rises at 6:26 i have been missing is a beautiful sight every morning..
so monday was back to work and we had a major problem with the hot water for the upstairs fackson, (maintnenace officer) lucky(worker) and i took the geyser apart and replaced the heating coil..and then when we turned it on the pressure was still very we opened the pipes and found that they were almost completely full of hardened it took us another 2 hours of clearing the pipes before it was all fixed...but now the pressure of the hot water is the best it has been upstairs for 2 years soo that is good...
tues don and jane(a couple that are here for 3 months from hawaii) and i started renovating the downstairs nursery bathroom...we tore out all the tile in the shower(the staff use it) and started scraping the walls for was about 4 wheelbarrows full of tile....but it came of pretty easy because it was installed wrong and only had grout on the edge of each corner of the tile...ive never seen it like that but oh well it made removing it easier...
wednesday we went into town to purchase the materials needed...i love shopping in town for the materials...i know a lot of the venodors from 2 years ago...and a couple of them even recognized me which was pretty it takes a long time to find everything u need here...we first had to go to a paint store...and we got two 20 litrs and two 5 litres(we are doing more then just the bathroom)...and then we went to the hardware and supply stores to search fro tiles and the other needed materials..we ended up finding real nice tiles and i think it will look great...
thursday we had to go get our visas to stay in the country...i was hoping to get a visitors visa but because they had stamped my passport at the airport with a buisness visa i have to go that this friday i have to apply for a business pray that it works out well please...
so friday we began on the renovating...we painted the ceiling boards white(with anti-fungal liquid added)..and then repainted the walls yellow...just with the paint it looks a whole lot we have 4 workers here that are assigned as cooks for the teams...(when it gets busy it will be very needed) and so i have been helping them with cooking the past couple nights...we have been using the brie(a bbq but with charcoal) and i enjoy bbqing so i am usualy the one to cook the meat...
saturday don and i began tiling in the was a neat experience as it took us about an hour to just find a bucket to use...then we thought we had a grooved trowel but we didnt so we had to go to the market to look for one...amazingly we found one at the chelston market(which is about a 5 min drive 20 min walk from House of Moses) and so we could is going well and i am excited for it to be finished...
sunday i went to matildahs church (its in walking distance and no one else was really going to church today) so went there and then after church we met up with everyone and went to the Michael W Smith concert...what a line strecthed around a whole empty field and down the on our tickets it said it was from 14-20(2-8pm) and so we got there at about 130...well by 2 the doors still hadnt opened...and we ended up not getting inside tell just after 3!!...when we got in they were still working on setting up the stage and the sound we knew it was still going to be a while...well at about 5 they opened the gate to outside and in rolled MWS in a police was pretty amazing...haha...when he arrived everyone forgot that they had already been waiting for 3 hours...they were just soooo excited to have MWS in Zambia!!!! after bout another half an hour he took the what a great concert..Zambians sure know there MWS and man can they sing!!!!...i loved just listeneing to the crowd sing along...well i guess even if ur from america u are on zambian time...(i.e. if something starts at 2 doesnt actually start at 2!)...and the concert was over at about 7:30...but it was a great time and am glad i went...we were with about 7 of us...and everyone had a wonderful time...
well today is a new day...monday it is almost devotions time...i will talk to u all some time...thanks for all ur prayers and support

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kevin (again), Posted a comment, but it ended up below last week's blog, don't know why. Sorry, keep blogging, but we know you're busy. Love O&O
