Monday, May 10, 2010

so its been almost a gets to busy here for me to find time to update my blog...but i will try to get better at this..
this week has been pretty busy getting back into the groove of things and finding out how everything is working..
i think i last updated of what happened on tuesday we went to Mundawanga zoo with the kids of House of Martha..i dont know if you saw the video i made but if you havent its on youtube just search for "Mundawanga Zoo" we got to the park and for the first part we just hung out in the gardens and played some group was nice to have the kids out of their home for awhile...after about 2 hours of different games and singing we ate lunch and played on a playground and then it was time for the Zoo tour...the kids were soo cute during the toour...seeing their reaction when they saw the lions was awesome...they were all walking forward and then when they saw the male lion they all jumped back and stopped in their tracks...but after the adults went forward they slowly inched of the little girls when she saw the lion grabbed my hand but i told her it was alright that the cage was strong enough to hold them in...the kids also loved the little velvet monkeys...they were being fed when we got there so they were all sitting on their own eating...then on the way back from the zoo our bus broke down in the middle of the main road...we ended up getting it started again and were able to pull over to the side and after about 45 min when a new bus came for us we were on our way again...i was in the back of the bus during this and having about 25 kids and 2 leaders in the last two rows where there is seating for 10 was an experience haha...needless to say i slept well that night
on wednesday we had a meeting with a man from UK Missions...he is having four teams come this year and they will be helping us with redoing one of our beginning in the middle of june we will be tearing down part of the school and building two classrooms and 1 will be a big job but it will go all the way to october...just so that all the teams that UK Missions is bringing will have a chance to work on the building..that afternoon i walked to House of Martha and was there for about an hour...just to see the kids again...and then that evening just was around the House of Martha again doing suduko and learning nyanja with clement (the guard)
Thursday i spent the day at House of Moses,...played with the babies and spent a lot of time with my son Madaliso...most of the time i will bring him out of the nursery and he will walk with me around the House of Moses or be on my lap when i am working on my computer,...he has come to know now that i take him out...and he is getting a little spoiled haha...everytime i go in the nursery and hes in his crib he starts to cry...that afternoon i went to House of Martha again...i went with the new teacher for the school that they have their...and so i introduced her around to the staff and showed her the classroom...then i stayed there for a couple hours...matildah also came and i tried my hand at a game they play that is similiar to jacks...i'm not good at all...i quit playing after two rounds haha,..i have to practice on my own for a bit about 17 i walked back to the HOM and spent the evening here...
friday...a table in the nursery broke so i had to take it apart and repair it and i also put together a picture frame for the botswana high commision as a present for visiting the House of Moses, House of Martha and Bill and Bette bryant nursery...i cant really remeber what else happened...but i think i was just at the House of Moses most of the day..
Saturday i tried to move the table back in...but we couldnt get it through the i brought it back outside...took the other leg off brought it inside in pieces and then repaired it inside the nursery...we also had a meeting with sandra, don jane and i...we are kinda the ones in charge of the teams so we have to go through day by day what each one is doing.,..and how many ppl are here because their are times when we will have up to 20 people at the House of it will get very populated here pretty soon...i think the first big team come on June 3...that night we did suduku and nyanja learning again and then i also played matildah in chess..(2 years ago when i came for 5 months i taught her how to play and we played each time she was sandra and i bought her a chess set...) well she almost beat me in that game...sandra wouldve been so happy if she had won haha...
sunday in the morning i chatted with my parents on was nice to be able to connect with them again and catch up...then we went to church..the same one as last week...again it was a good service and the singing was just amazing again...went to the main shopping center right after where the craft fair is so that the new people could check out zambian crafts...for me after the first one they are all the same...but i have a couple people that are vendors their that i have known for two years so i usually go and just talk with them and see how business is of them hadnt gotten any buisness yet so i bought a 10 billion dollar bill from zimbabwe off of him for about 1 dollar thats how bad the economy is in zimbabwe...when u need billions of dollars to buy a loaf of bread...
monday we had morning chapel at 8 and then after we had a management meeting for 2 hours...i didnt get a lot of sleep sunday night...only bout 3 i was pretty tired the whole afternoon and i took a nap on the couch with madaliso sleeping on me...evening we had a birthday/farewell party for one of the visitors we had a turkey dinner(something other then chicken which is the main meat eaten here) and we had cake and ice cream...well today is tuesday morning...hope you are all doing good...and talk to u all soon


  1. sounds brilliant kevin! keep up with the blogs. so what do you mean by your son? and please will you send your address? i want to post something to you. i dont know what it will be yet but it will be something.
    keep up the good work. mim!

  2. That was a great blog, so happy you told us all about your week. For us here it's mostly the same and we miss seeing you around. And...another funeral service of our next-door neighbour and next Saturday of our other next-door neighbour, that's not so nice, too many people leaving, even if it to a better place.
    Your mom gave me a nice bouquet of carnations in my favorite colors on Sunday in church for Mother's day and later on she and Janine and Jen came over for coffee. They were going to have a barbecue, but we did not go, as I (Oma) wanted to go to the eveningservice. Revelation study and Lord's Supper service. Weather is sunny, but still cold wind here. Well, going to Oasis for exercises and coffee. Have a good week, God bless you and every one there, we pray always. Take care, love O&O
